3 Important Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Friends

3 Important Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Friends

  1. Have you ever stopped to look around you?
  2. Have you actually taken the time to see who is around you?
  3. Who are they and how they are impacting your life?

Everyone around you is impacting your life, one way or another, whether you realize that or not. Their impact can be positive or negative.

Is your life better because of the time you are spending with them or is your life and goals falling behind when you spend time with them? These are hard questions that we need to look at and make a decision on. Shall I stay or shall I move on?

Sometimes, breaking away from negative people, or perhaps, just people that do not contribute anything positive to your life, is the way to go. It is one big step, and one that as simple as it may seem, may be one of the hardest things you do, especially if we are talking about decades-long friendships. But the difference in your life is almost immediate!

I have heard the say: “…we are, what we eat.” Does that hold true for people we surround ourselves with? Are we a reflection of the people we surround ourselves with?