5 Simple Steps To Help Your Business Structure

As a Certified EMyth Coach, we are taught early on that entrepreneurs have to work ‘ON” their business instead of “IN” it.  I thought this was magical, but to really consider the ramifications and all the implications, well… that could take awhile. This article is directed to help you make this task a bit less daunting.

For some business owners that already have employees, contractor and/or help from family and friends, this concept may be easier to understand. For the solo-preneur, someone who is a one-man company, this can be a hard proposal due to financial reasons and/or leadership shortcomings. Regardless of your present setup, the information in this blog is directed at both the solo-preneur and the entrepreneur with employees, contractor and/or family and friends.

Sometimes, adding structure is not as daunting as it sounds. Here are a few simple steps to accomplish better business structure:

  1. Document how you do whatever it is that you do in your company.
  2. Document it well.
  3. Then find someone else to do that job.
  4. Then train this new person based on what you documented.
  5. Try it, perfect it, until it works like a process, like a system… like a business!

I hope this wakes something inside of you. Before everything gets systematized, we have to get the house in order, by using structure, then we begin systematizing everything. Along the way, you, the entrepreneur becomes a different person altogether, because you have more time, or because the results are more consistent. Whatever the reason, your leadership skills become stronger by structuring your business better. Welcome to Business Revolution! Enjoy the ride, it is amazing.

If you need help with any of this, I am here to assist you becoming the entrepreneur and leader that you always thought you wanted to be. Reach out to us.