Mini-Series About Entrepreneurship: Article #2: Processes and/or Automation

In this mini series that I am writing, I will be discussing Entrepreneurship. Some of these concepts I have learned either the hard way, by doing it wrong; or by learning about it; or by a successful implementation and outcome.

Entrepreneurship has a lot of different components to it. And this article’s main subject is process and automation.

What do I mean by process or automation.To make this concept very easy to follow, I’m going to provide you with the following example. Most people you ask if they can deliver a better hamburger than McDonalds, they will most likely tell you that they can. But, when you ask them, can you deliver your burger as efficient as McDonalds, the answer is very different and here’s why.

When you start a new hobby, soon enough you find a “way” to completing the task faster, easier and more accurately. Some people call it, getting in the “groove of things” or in the “zone”. Whatever you want to call it, you have devised a “system”, a process, a kind of automation to your task that allows you to get it done faster, easier and more accurately. Your business, although more serious than your hobby, follows the same principle.

Now you ask me, but what does any of this has to do with businesses and entrepreneurship? Well, everything!

When you are getting ready to open your business, it is not only smart but necessary to develop a system or a process to deliver your products/services as fast, as efficient and with the best quality that you can, every single time!

Next week, we’ll continue this article with some examples, conclusions and tips on how to begin this very important and necessary step towards building the ultimate business machine!


2 thoughts on “Mini-Series About Entrepreneurship: Article #2: Processes and/or Automation

  1. Very true. In my case, once I get into the grove, or the zone, everything flows, as I am enjoying not just the results, but the actual process itself. Well done Omar. Very proud!

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