Mini-Series About Entrepreneurship: Article #9: Burn Paper!

I am going to discuss a subject, from my point of view, experience and understanding. Today, thanks to the internet and the easy access to so much information, we find that the possibilities are endless. This all on itself is the first problem that we have to address before going into business.

When you decide to go into business, you go in thinking about a product or a service that you want to deliver. Shortly after, and this shortly is open ended, could be a few months or a couple of years after, you begin realizing that there are other opportunities out there, interrelated to your product or service. Perhaps even opportunities more profitable, or in conjunction with your product or service, a nice addition that shouldn’t take too much time to be added!

Perhaps you find not only one opportunity, but you find several opportunities that go “hand on hand” with your business that, again “shouldn’t take much more time to develop along your current business.” I have found that not only this is a fallacy but it could potentially kill your business.


Now, deviating for the sake of completeness, if you are finding many more opportunities to develop within your business and perhaps even more profitable, the question then becomes, did you do your research prior to starting your business? Did you do market research? If you did, then you should’ve known about these other opportunities.

Going back to our original subject, first things first. Keep in mind, “what is your business?” What is your product or service. Develop that business. Once you are up and running, the way you envisioned it; then add a team to run that business. As Jonathan Raymond from EMyth says in his blog: Tell the story and tell it well.

Now that you have freed up some time, go ahead and look for these other opportunities to add on to your business.

Magnifying GlassAs a kid, everybody did the experiment, where you took a magnifying glass and “focused” the sun light to burn paper. The analogy that I want to drive is. If you try to cover too many areas, you won’t be able to “burn paper.” Focus as much as possible and take action! Burn Like the Sun! But you will only do this, if you are focused!

Please keep in mind that our primary business is real estate and that I do this blog to help all entrepreneurs out there to make it, to avoid some of the pitfalls that I have been through and even monetize it. Hence, if you are in the search, trying to dispose of properties or looking for property management services, please contact us to assist you. We have a vast network of Real Estate Agents, all over, that adhere to these concepts and have worked very hard to be the best at what they do. If I cannot help you personally, I can put you in touch with one of our affiliates to help and assist you. Thank you!