Why and How

How many times have you gotten lost in the how-of-something? I know, I have! This is magnified if you are technically-inclined in nature. Whatever it is that we are trying to do, we justify doing it, because we either know how to do it, or we can find out how to do it. Perhaps, for minor things such as fixing the snow blower or lawn mower, that’s all you need to know. How to fix the machine and off you go again!

But things are not as clear cut, when we are talking about bigger decisions in life, such as your career choice, your business, even your chosen university degree. When the going gets tough, knowing how, is not going to help you jump out of bed at 6 o’clock in the morning. This is where your WHY becomes your North Star, your compass, your guidance!Why?

As I wrote in my previous article, “…as entrepreneurs, (we) have to start somewhere, and we always begin with a dream.” This dream is your why. If the dream is not implicit enough for you to extract the why, internalize it further and describe your dream. Within the description of your dream, is your why.  Write it down and ensure it makes sense to you, that it resonates with you. This is another way of stating your vision for your business or your mission for your personal life, or both!

Image by: Omar Capellan Creations